The dead will tell rebuild the fallen empire

The dead will tell rebuild the fallen empire

But Im not concerned about that now. I just want to do Gods will. And Hes allowed me to go up to the mountain. And Ive looked over. And Ive seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And Im happy, tonight. Im not worried about anything. Im not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. Weve made it to the mountaintop. OBAMA 08!!! Yes we can!!! What yall doing over here cuz aint nothing going on ova in the BEYONCE thread???? Italy was delightful. Did yall miss me? The only thing the dead will tell rebuild the fallen empire than a sore loser is a sore comment about White people reporting to the cotton field is so unnecessary and uncalled were Whites, Blacks, Latinos alike, pulling for the s ridiculous for a race of people who only make up about 13% in this country to make absurd statements like Italy was delightful. Did yall miss me? cutenkinky STFU as someone else stated The black man didnt win The best man won. You cant, wont, dont even know how to steal our joy so shuffle your dumb ass to massa house and do a little tap dance for him, that will make you and him happy. leave us happy african americans to celebrate as we please. Exactly. Why is she hanging out on this site? Go mourn with her people. The race is over. Obama won and McCain lost. Shes going to see the ugly side of folks if she keeps messing with Obama. Ill forget her ass is Black or whatever shes calling herself. whats sad is i think she really is black too, she said so. that is her photo. i notice that she just likes attention. she likes to go against the grain just to get shyt started. thats my theory, and thats what i was telling tracylee. this negative mind set that she and that other dude has is just downright disturbing, and very tacky. Especially on the day after the election. go to foxnews website with that crap!!! BUT HE WONT ABLE TO DELIVERY ALL THINGS HE PROMISED! see what happens when you agree to disagree and let bygones be bygones, phony chicks who have to hide behind pictures of dogs and celebrities try to attack you. I dont agree with your politics, SO WHAT!!! Get over it! This is a free website with an open forum and the last time I checked, I still had the dead will tell rebuild the fallen empire of speech. That i the problem with many of you African Americans you spend too much time shucking and jiving and cooing and acting as if everything is okie dokie. Where were you happy azz African Americans in 2000 and again in 2004? Why didnt so many of you show up to vote then? I cast my ballot for my candidate of choice during those elections. I spoke the dead will tell rebuild the fallen empire against the stolen elections. I wrote letters. I express my opinion to White People all the time. I changed careers from accounting and began to study law, government and politics, all in the name of making a difference. I earned my right to speak my mind long before most of you jumped on the bandwagon. Now that you have been thrown a bone and have been offered hope in the form of a Black President you all of a sudden want to act like you are interested in politics? To that I say, N!GGER PLEASE! LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE Ive been lookin for that trick boom boom since yesterday and shes no where to be found, she talked so much trash, her azz needs to be in hiding Hey awardwinner, i think she has been on here. she may have changed her name.

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